News 2021 Impact Award header Rakesh Aswal

Pestalozzi Impact Award 2021

This award recognises the exceptional initiatives of our alumni for the common good

The winners of our 2021 Impact Award

The Impact Awards honour the extraordinary contributions of Pestalozzi alumni to the wellbeing of individuals and communities through social enterprise initiatives. Originally recognizing alumni for their work with Pestalozzi World, including for example mentoring, publicity, and student selection, the awards now extend to alumni of the Pestalozzi International Foundation (PIF). Future recipients will be celebrated for their voluntary contributions to PI and their broader impact on social enterprise initiatives.

All human knowledge rests on the power of a good heart that seeks the truth

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

Meet our 2021 winners of the Pestalozzi Impact Award:

List of 2021 Impact Award Gold Winners
List of 2021 Impact Award Silver Winners
List of 2021 Impact Award Bronze Winners